Tie A Yellow Ribbon

All right, I admit it.  The ribbon isn’t yellow.  Also, I’m not talking about a ribbon you can tie around a tree.  What I am sharing today has to do with the ribbon you’ll find in Microsoft Office products.  We used to call those items at the top, toolbars.  But, for a number of years now, we’ve called them ribbons. 

Yesterday, someone logged into Remote Technical Support (https://www.4kcc.com/rts) and asked if there was a way for them to customize the ribbon in Word.  The answer is “Yes!”  One thing to note: when you customize a ribbon in an Office product, the changes only apply to that product.  In other words, if you customize the ribbon in Word, that won’t change the ribbon in Excel or Publisher, etc.

Want to learn how to customize the ribbon?  Microsoft has a great tutorial page showing you step-by-step all the different ways you can do that.  Just click on the button below and start customizing!