Keyboard Shortcuts Save Time!

Computer keyboard with "Shortcuts" and file folder on the Enter key

Keyboard shortcuts can also save frustration! The real key, though, (pun intended) is remembering all the shortcuts or at least having a handy list nearby.

There are keyboard shortcuts for your device’s Operating System (OS) and there are ones for individual apps, like Microsoft Office. If I was to list all the shortcuts in this one post, I’d definitely break my rule of sharing info you can read in three or four minutes. That being the case, I’m going to write several posts over a period of time (not all in a row) with some of my favorite keyboard shortcuts. Included in each post will be a download of the shortcuts I’ve shared so you can save or print it out.

With apologies to anyone who doesn’t have this particular OS, I’m going to start with Windows 10. I’m also going to start with keyboard shortcuts which use the Windows Key.

The Windows Key
Windows Key + IOpens Windows 10 Settings
Windows Key + DTakes you to the Desktop or vice-versa
Windows Key + AOpens the Action Center
Windows Key + WOpens Windows Ink Workspace
Windows Key + UOpen the Display Settings
Windows Key + POpen the Projector Settings
Windows Key + SOpens the Search
Windows Key + LLocks your computer
Windows Key + XBrings up the right-click Start Menu
Windows KeyBrings up the Start Menu
Windows Key + EOpens File Explorer
Windows Key + 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8
or 9 or 0
Each combination opens whatever app is in the taskbar, left to right, for the first 10 apps

These are just Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts using the Windows key. There are more shortcuts using other keys and we’ll go over them in a future post. In the meantime, if you have Windows 10, give these a try!

You can download to save and/or print the list HERE.