Microsoft And Beyond

Book cover of Paul Allen - Idea Man

If you know me, you know I love anything computer-related and I’m always fascinated as to how things happened along the way. In that vein, I’m currently listening to Paul Allen’s book, “Idea Man.”

Whether you love or hate Microsoft, this book is a must-read. (Or must-listen, if you’re into audio books like I am.) In more than 200 blog posts, this is only the second book I’ve brought to the forefront. A book has to really grab my attention before I’ll talk about and recommend it here. (The first recommendation was “Mrs. Kennedy And Me” by Clint Hill. – “The Secret Service…“)

We’re at the start of a three-day weekend, so why not take a little time for yourself and read (or listen to) this wonderful book? It’s available in paperback, audio and Kindle. Just click HERE to get started.

Yes, we’re Amazon affiliates and if you click the link for the book and purchase it, we’ll make two bits or so. However, I’d be recommending this book even if I didn’t get something in return!