For users of Windows 10, all those notifications which appear in the lower right-hand corner of the screen can be overwhelming. Actually, sometimes they’re just downright annoying. The Windows operating system itself causes quite a few of the notifications but apps can be major culprits, as well.
The good news is that you can control the notifications. Here’s how:
- Click on the Start Menu
- Click on the Settings Icon (looks like a cogged wheel)
- Click on System
- In the left column, click on “Notifications and actions”
- On the right side of the window, scroll down to the list of applications which give notifications.
- Turn off notifications from those apps you aren’t interesting in seeing.
Besides too many notifications, another annoying feature is that notifications often do not stay on the screen long enough to read them. You can fix that, too! Here’s how:
- Click on the Start Menu
- Click on the Settings Icon (looks like a cogged wheel)
- In the “find a setting” field, type “notifications” (without the quotes)
- From the drop-down list which appears, click on “Choose how long notifications are shown”
- On the right side of the window which appears, scroll down until you see a drop-down menu entitled “Show notifications for”
- Click the drop-down menu and choose how long you want them to appear (the default is usually 5 seconds)
That should be everything you need to know about notifications!
(Hint: you can print this blog if that makes it easier to follow the instructions!)