I Won, I Won!

Today, I received an email telling me that I could claim my prize in the Chevron Texaco Oil Promotion (see the image above). Interestingly, I do have a Chevron/Texaco Oil gas credit card. So, at first glance, I might think this is legit. But, of course, it’s not. Let’s look at the top of the email:

Screenshot of the top of a fake email

Notice that there’s no name in the “To:” field. That means this email was sent as a BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) missive. There’s also no salutation such as “Dear John” or “Dear Mr. Grubb.”

As a final confirmation that this is a fake email, look at the contact email where I’m supposed to send my name and number. Notice the ending is “.de” rather than .com or .net or .org. The domain country-level code “.de” belongs to the Federal Republic of Germany. Granted, I am of German descent but I’m not falling for this fake email. Besides, I won 2,852,000.00 what? Dollars? German Marks? Maybe since I’m married to an Italian it’s 2,852,000.00 Lire!

Now that I’m done sharing this fake email with you, I’ll delete it!