It's A Chromium Day

Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome icons

With the release of Microsoft’s new Edge browser two days ago, I thought we should look at some Chromium keyboard shortcuts that will work in the new Edge as well as in Google Chrome. As a bonus, if the shortcut works in Firefox, we’ll tell you that, too.

Ctrl key, plus sign, letter H

Want to get to your browser history quickly? Just use the Ctrl + H combo and it’s there! (Also works in Firefox.)

Ctrl key, plus sign, letter J

Want a fast way of getting to your browser downloads? Here’s the shortcut. (Also works in Firefox.)

Ctrl key, plus sign, shift key, plus sign, letter O key

I use my bookmarks manager a lot – to categorize bookmarks, to delete old ones, to rename, etc. When I want to open the manager in a hurry, I use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + O. Try it! (Doesn’t work in Firefox.)

Ctrl key, plus sign, keyboard letter T

You can always go to the little plus sign at the top of the tabs in your browser or you can use the combo Ctrl + T and “Presto!” you have a new tab open. (This shortcut works in Firefox, too.)

That’s four (4) browser shortcuts to get you started. Give them a try and I’ll share more later this week.