In last week’s Question of the Week email, I gave the opportunity for my readers to save $5 on the purchase of a Privacy Kit. I mentioned that I had ordered 100 of them from my distributor and I would ship to anyone who bought one after they arrive. (You can order now if you didn’t already by clicking on the image above.) I listed the contents of the kit:
- Instruction manual
- Webcam cover
- Data Block
- RFID Blocking Card
Since I sent the email, I have received questions about the RFID Blocking Card. It seems there are lots of customers who don’t know what that is or why they would need one. In response to those questions, here’s an explanation:
RFID stands for radio-frequency identification. A small chip holds information and can be scanned by a reader without the device making physical contact with the chip. Do you have a credit card that you can just wave at a reader in the store? Do you have a pet that has a chip implanted in case he or she is lost or stolen? The chip in the card and the chip in your pet are RFID chips.
How is having an RFID credit card in your wallet a risk? If a hacker/scammer can get close enough to you, they might use a reader to steal the information contained in your credit card’s chip. They might then use this information to steal money or steal your credit ID.
The RFID Blocking Card that comes in the Privacy Kit slips into your wallet along with your credit cards and, basically, creates a metal barrier so that your cards can’t be read from a distance.
While it is true that your security is more likely to be compromised in a crowded area like an airport, a stadium, an amusement park or a mall, scammers with a reader can be anywhere. I’m sure you were raised hearing that old adage, “Better safe than sorry.”
This is a nice Privacy Kit and I encourage you to click on the image above and get yours on order. Once they arrive, the price goes back to normal.