Halloween is just about here but there hasn’t been one this strange since 1918. With Covid-19 still with us and, in some areas of the world, actually increasing instead of decreasing, Halloween could be tough this year.
However, using the techniques I teach here in this blog and in my video on searching (it’s at the end of this post in case you haven’t seen it yet), I found some great sites on how to still have a happy Halloween this year.
Now, I could suggest that you search like I did but it’s getting close to Christmas so I’m in a giving mood. Instead of you having to do all the leg work, I’ve done it for you and I’m going to share my findings with you in this post. So, let’s get started!
John Hopkins
When it comes to thinking about the medical precautions we should take for Halloween, what better place to go for advice than John Hopkins? In their article, Aaron Milstone, M.D., M.H.S. talks about things like “getting together safely,” “tricks for treat givers,” “mask up for safety” and lots more. To read their article, just click on this John Hopkins image:
Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula
Community Hospital has 7 ideas to make Halloween more fun for the kids during this pandemic. Their suggestions include “decorate and carve pumpkins,” “set up a candy hide and seek” and “make fun and tasty Halloween treats.” To read all about these subjects and the remaining four ideas, just hit the image below:
“Virtual costume parties and parades” and “spooky movie night” are just two of the suggestions you’ll find on HealthyChildren.org. They also have suggestions as to what to do if your community has Trick or Treating. Find out all these things by – you guessed it – clicking on the HealthyChildren.org image below.
Care.com has 10 ideas to combat the pandemic effect on Halloween this year. I really like some of these ideas such as “make a Halloween candy chute” and “get a visit from the Great Pumpkin.” By now, you know how to get to this article.
Edward-Elmhurst Health
You never fully appreciate something until you can’t have it. Yes, that’s the first sentence from the Edward-Elmhurst Health post on Halloween ideas for 2020. While this article doesn’t go into the details of their ideas like some of the other sites, it does give a nice list of suggestions. It’s certainly worth the read if you want a quick overview of things to do for Halloween 2020. Hit the picture below to visit the site.
Finally, these are some excellent articles I found for you regarding Halloween this year. However, if you feel adventurous and want to search for some on your own, feel free to share what you find in the comment area below.
Oh, and here’s the video I promised in paragraph two: