A Perfect Example (Albeit Fake)

Fake screen

The picture above is a perfect example of a fake warning. You know, the kind I’ve been talking about for years. This came onto my computer screen today. I had clicked on a link in a search that looked legitimate and this popped up. (You can click on the picture to see a larger version.)

Let’s look at some areas of the screen to see how these scammers tried to use Social Engineering to get me to call them.

On the left-hand side of the screen, (By the way, this screen took over my entire monitor except for the taskbar at the bottom.) I saw what appeared to be a scan of my computer wherein a ton of hard drive problems were being found.

Fake fatal error screen

Next, there was a scary red box with a Critical Alert warning that told me if I called a Windows technician, they’d be able to prevent data loss. (I’ve blocked out the phone number so no one gets the urge to actually call them.) Why, there’s even a timer to tell me I’ll lose data in 157 seconds – and counting down!

fake critical alert window

Then, on the right side at the top, there’s an icon and the word “Windows” in an attempt to convince me that I can trust them. However, there’s also a warning that there will be a “Hard Drive safety delete…” in 5 minutes. Plus, the warning that someone is trying to steal your banking details, etc. By the way, the only one trying to steal your information will be the person you call and let onto your computer so DON’T DO IT!

fake Windows window

Then, in the lower right-hand corner, I’m warned again that my data is at high risk.

fake scanning window

I would also mention that when this fake warning popped up, my mouse did not work. Therefore, I wasn’t able to click and close anything. Hmmm, so how did I get rid of the window without calling them? I used the method I describe in my post titled, “Turn Off Alternative.” I simply brought up the Task Manager and closed down the browser that contained this fake message. (It happened to be Google Chrome but it could have happened in any of my browsers.)

In conclusion, please do not become a victim of these fake warnings. If you need reinforcement, feel free to read all of my posts on Social Engineering which you’ll find HERE.