Okay, I admit it – the title of this post has nothing to do with the subject because my writing today isn’t about a dog or a dog book. Also, the picture above is our Cairn Terrier whose name is Augustus a.k.a. Gus, not Spot. So, why the title?
The emphasis of today’s missive is about the word “Run.” For those of you using Windows 10, there are some neat things that can be accomplished by using RUN commands. While there’s a long list of available commands, I have five (5) favorites that I think everyone should know and use when appropriate.
I invite you to find out what those five favorite commands are by watching this video: (Hint: there’s a bonus command, too!) If you watch the video on YouTube, please remember to subscribe to my channel and like the video!
Just a little suggestion for those of us who aren’t smart enough to have a pencil handy while viewing your video…mention; you might want to jot these down as I show you these 5 points (or whatever). Or, you could list them in your blog…☹️. Now I have to rewatch the video to make a note of them…they are good to know, Bro! Thanks!
MC…Your idea about suggesting a reader/viewer has a pencil handy is a good one and I’ll try to remember to use it in the future. Regarding listing them in the blog (or in the video description), I’m sure you know me well enough that you’re aware there’s almost always a method to my madness. I purposely didn’t list the commands because I want people to watch the entire video rather than pick and choose. 🙂 ~YYB
This is great info even though I don’t see me using it that often if at all. I was wondering if you had something like an index? I’m envisioning it as the name of the blog, date sent, where to find, subject matter and whatever.
Thanks for trying to make me more intelligent.
Al…There’s no index per se, however, you can search by any word and all the blogs that are related will come up. For instance, if you went to the search field at the top of the right-hand column and search “Social engineering” (without the quotes), you’d get all the posts I’ve written related to that subject. The search is excellent when you want to find something in particular. There’s also a category drop-down menu farther down in the right-hand column which can give you a broader view of a particular subject. Hope this information helps! ~John