A Political Warning

The American flag with a Vote button.
The iconic Trump picture which is a perfect example of a political warning.

11 thoughts on “A Political Warning

  1. Catherine

    What a great blog on a very relevant topic! I think we’re all getting bombarded with emails and texts. And how easy it is to be taken in!

  2. Joyce

    This is so well stated! Thank you for sending this warning out about the various ways we could be misinformed. I, for one, will be on the lookout for these and other ways we could be tricked into changing our position. I will definitely research before I believe anything I read. And I will definitely vote!

  3. Gabriel LeBlanc

    The information about misinformation could not be more timely, given that we have just 97 days to go before we head to the polls. I have received many scams you mentioned in texts and emails, which I identify as such and do not open. Scammers now also call my home phone. When I do not pick up, let the call be answered by a machine, the caller does not leave a message

  4. Patty Hobbs

    Thank you, John! This was wonderful to read and so true. It is so scary on the internet and all of the algorithms they unleash on us. Who knows what is real or AI anymore! Thank you for your advice and knowledge in the cyber world. I truly appreciate all you do!

  5. Audrey Calderazzo

    Thanks John for this information. I have received texts, emails regarding the political scam and just delete them. Thank you for all you do.

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