Passwords, Passkeys, Password Managers, and 2FA

Let’s discuss passwords, passkeys, password managers, and 2FA. Why this subject? For one reason, a hacker recently attempted to break into my website. For another reason, hackers are always looking for vulnerable email accounts and financial accounts. The last thing I want to see is for your email and other accounts to be compromised. Why …

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No More Microsoft Passwords

Finally, no more Microsoft passwords! Yes, you read that correctly. You can now delete your Microsoft password forever! Password Troubles Over the years, one of the most aggravating aspects of computer usage has been passwords. Let’s see if you can relate to any of these password troubles: You forgot your password. Your password was lost. …

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Ransomware Explained

Ransomware Defined The word “ransomware” is a portmanteau of the words “ransom” and “malware.” (Of course, “malware” is a portmanteau of the words “malicious” and “software.”) In simple terms, ransomware is malicious software that takes over a computer or a network of computers and encrypts the files. Additionally, ransomware may steal files as well. The …

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Should You Use The DuckDuckGo Browser?

At our November seminar, I briefly answered the question: Should you use the DuckDuckGo browser? In this post, I’d like to expand on that question. Also, I want to share some setting suggestions should you decide to use it. Privacy DuckDuckGo’s claim to fame is that searches are more private. Therefore, when you search for …

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Recent News Is Why You Should Review

In this post, I will explain that recent news is why you should review previous posts of mine. Smishing News Here’s one of the news headlines this week. “This stealthy Android malware can steal your money and invade your privacy.” This particular malware affects Android users via smishing. Because this can record what you say …

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December Seminar 12-10-2022

Our December Seminar! This Seminar was titled, “I Dwell In Possibility.” I came up with this by first looking at famous birthdays that took place on December 10th. As I went down the list, I came across Emily Dickinson’s name. I then searched for famous quotes by her and that’s where I found “I dwell …

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October Seminar 10-15-2022

Our October Seminar! Our October Seminar – titled, “Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses…” was a lot of fun! We had a nice turnout despite the heavy rain for more than an hour preceding the seminar! Thanks to everyone who attended. Whether you attended or not, you’ll find all the details about …

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September Seminar 09-10-2022

Our September Seminar! We just had our first seminar in 4 months! For those of you who were able to attend, it was awesome to see you! Whether you attended or not, you’ll find all the details about the seminar on this page. (I hope you’ll be able to attend our October 15th seminar – …

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Five Important Videos You Need To Watch

I want to share five important videos from our YouTube Channel. I realize this post will sound self-promoting but I promise you, it’s based on what we are seeing in Remote and hearing over the phone. Why Do I Have A YouTube Channel? There are a number of reasons I have a YouTube Channel. At …

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Fifteen Computing-Related Rules You Should Follow

I want to review fifteen computing-related rules you should follow. If you’ve been a customer of ours for a long time, most of these should sound familiar. The same is true if you’ve been a blog subscriber for a while. Unfortunately, we see people all the time in Remote Technical Support who aren’t following some …

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Seminar 09-11-2021

Thanks For Attending! Thank you so much for coming to our first seminar in 19 months! It was awesome to see you and everyone who attended. You were one of 15 which is fewer than normal but more than I expected this first time out! The pandemic is a pain, isn’t it? On this page, …

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Ransomware Caused A Panic Which Caused A Gas Shortage…

Or, Why You Should Keep Your Computing Devices And Anti-virus Up-To-Date Even though I’ve talked about ransomware a number of times here in our blog, there were still people who really didn’t understand the term until Colonial Pipeline was hit. At that point, the company shut down their pipelines and they remained closed for almost …

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There’s More Than Meets The Eye…The Dark Web

Yesterday, I attended a very enlightening webinar regarding the dark web. The four moderators shared information about what can be found there. They defined terms, such as “market place” and “forum,” as those terms related to this shady area of the Internet. The webinar was geared towards both businesses and consumers. I was struck by …

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Quiz Results

On March 20, 2021, I wrote the post, “Let’s Review.” It was a 10 question quiz to see if you were paying attention! In this post, I’m sharing the results from everyone who submitted their test results. (You can still take the quiz if you haven’t already but your results won’t appear in this post.) …

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Ignore Microsoft and Google

In my recent post, “Delete Now!,” I explained through verbiage and a video the importance of NOT saving passwords in your browsers. I based my narrative on my own experiences; those opinions of well-known hackers and cybersecurity analysists; and the NZ Bankers Association which said in a post: “A common mistake that users make is …

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Security Notifications

June 19, 2021 Hackers Use Google Doc For Phishing If you use Google Docs, you need to be aware of a new phishing attack. Hackers are creating web pages that appear to be the well-known Google Doc form. These scammers are sending out links to what looks like a Google Doc. However, before you can …

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Lately, we’ve been getting a lot of inquiries about email providers making customers use special passwords for third-party apps. To many people, this is verbiage they simply don’t understand. I’m going to try to clear that up for you. Let’s say you have a Comcast email address. If you open a browser and navigate to …

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