On this page, you’ll find links from which you can purchase items we either sell or recommend. If you purchase from one of our affiliate links, we may be compensated at no extra cost to you.
Computer Specials
Yes, we sell computers! We can always order just the right computer for you but we also stock some. Find what specials we have in stock right now by clicking HERE.
YouTube Recommendations
In some of our YouTube videos, we will recommend a product. Instead of having to go through all our videos, you’ll find a list of our YouTube product recommendations HERE.
Our Commerce Store
In this store, you can purchase Gift Certificates and products we have in stock. Click HERE.
Amazon Reviews and Recommendations
Do you buy from Amazon? Before you buy, you should check out our reviews of various products. You’ll find our page HERE.
Products We Recommend
Besides the products we recommend in our YouTube videos, we have other products we think you’ll find of interest, too. Just so you know, we don’t recommend products we don’t use or buy ourselves. If we have a negative experience with one of these products or companies, we remove them from our list. Find these product recommendations HERE.
Product Specials
From time to time, companies with which we are affiliated will run specials. These can be short-lived (sometimes just a day) or they can be for a slightly longer period of time. You should check out these specials often. Find them HERE.