It’s A Monday Cornucopia!

You’ll recall that yesterday, I posted about the Super Blood Wolf Moon ( The picture above was taken from our backyard at 12 Midnight. It was a little cloudy plus my iPhone X just couldn’t get a closer view, so the picture’s not great. If you look on Social Media, you’ll see lots of people who captured much better pictures. Still, you can see the red moon!

Although Dr. King’s birthday is January 15th, the celebration of his birth and life lands on the 21st, today. The day, MLK Day, is a federal holiday so there’s no mail, no banking and no regular federal services.

Whether you agree or disagree with everything Dr. King advocated, there is no doubt that he was a major influence in the matter of race relations in the United States. His “I have a dream” speech will be remembered as one of the most moving and important speeches in US history. If you’ve forgotten what he said (or are too young to have heard it originally), you can watch it again by clicking this button:

This past week, we said “So long, for now” to our good friend, Richard Benjamin. We’ve known Dick and his wife, Marie, for 14 years. They’ve been our customers and our friends for that entire time-frame. Normally, I wouldn’t bring someone’s passing up here in the blog but I’m breaking tradition this time. Why? Because, someone told me they couldn’t find Dick’s obituary and they asked if I could help them. I was reminded of a time when my sister couldn’t find an obituary and called me to help. MCB (my sister’s initials) is excellent on the computer herself but she was stumped this time. Luckily, I was able to find the obituary she wanted. So, here are some hints when searching for an obit:

  1. Using Bing or Google Search, start your search with the person’s full name and include the middle initial if you know it. (Use his or her real name, not a nickname, e.g., Richard, not Dick.)
  2. Still in the search bar, add the word “obituary” – without the quotes.
  3. Without leaving the search bar, add a city and state.
  4. Hit the arrow or hit the Enter key to begin your search.
  5. Once you get search responses, if you don’t immediately see the one you’re looking for, change the search time from “anytime” to the last week or month or whatever you need.

If you follow those 5 steps and if the obituary is published online, you should find it.