Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

In this post, let’s learn a few easy keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10.

Picture of the Windows Key and the letter E

Need to get to your files quickly? Just use the Windows Key plus the letter E combo and Windows Explorer will be on the screen in a jiffy!

Windows Key plus the letter S

There are so many ways that search can help you in Windows 10! When you want to quickly get the search window up, just use the Windows Key plus the letter S.

Windows Key plus the Letter L

Need to lock your Windows 10 computer in a hurry? We have the keyboard combo for just that situation. Just use the Windows Key plus the letter L.

Windows Key plus the letter A

Did you miss one of those Windows 10 notifications that slides out from the bottom right (if your taskbar is at the bottom)? You can quickly open the Action Center/Notifications Menu by using the Windows Key and the letter A.

That’s it! I’m not sharing any more Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts until you try these. After you give them a shot, comment below and let me know if you were successful and whether you’ll find any of them handy!

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