One of the major causes of computing problems for people is the terminology we often use in the computing world. For instance, I can’t even tell you how many times I ask a customer to name the “browser” they use and they don’t have a clue. (If you don’t know what a browser is, please read my post from October 12, 2018 entitled “What???“) But, it doesn’t just stop with “browser.”
Another very common computing term that people seem to have difficulty in understand is the word “field.” When it comes to computing, a field is an area where something can be inputted. You might type letters or numbers, as an example. Additionally, even a checkbox where you use your mouse or finger (touchscreen) to activate is a field. Let’s look at an example:
In the IRS form, W-9, there are multiple fields. Every place you can type a response or click a box is a field. The Social Security and the Employer ID Number areas each consist of 9 fields. The form shown has thirty-five fields. Can you find them all?
One of the great time-saving shortcuts when it comes to filling out a form which contains fields is that you can use the TAB key to move forward in the fields and you can use the SHIFT + TAB to move backwards.