Pandemic Causes Additional Scams

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If you’ve been our customer for a long time or if you’ve read my blog posts, you know we’re always talking about scams. These scams come in the form of phone calls, pop-ups and fake web pages. They also come in emails and text messages. Under normal circumstances, these scams are bad. Unfortunately, our current Covid-19 pandemic has caused the number and intensity of these scams to explode.

Let’s look at the warnings I’ve been getting from the FBI in just the last few days:

Besides these legitimate warnings I’ve been getting from the FBI, I’ve received a ton of fake Coronavirus-related emails. These emails include trying to sell me face masks, gloves and more. Here are a couple of screenshots of two of them:

Fake email regarding face masks

Fake email regarding protection masks

My words of caution: be leery of any emails you receive trying to sell you virus-related products. There is no vaccine at this point, there are no private companies selling you test kits. Just be careful with anything related to the virus.