Check Your Facebook Security

Screenshot of a Facebook Home page

Whether you’re new to Facebook or have been on the platform since the beginning, it’s time to check your Facebook security. Because of the large number of users (2.8 billion), Facebook is a hacker’s playground. (They love to make fake accounts as we talked about in my post, Fake Facebook Account.) Checking your security will help keep you from being bullied!

Where To Start

I’ve created a YouTube video which shows you the complete security-checking process. (You’ll find the video at the end of this post. Until you have a chance to view the full video, I want to get you started in this post. Facebook has a built-in Privacy Checkup feature and I want you to use it. I’m going to post screenshots of the steps you should take. I’m using the Facebook App for iPhone. The Android FB App is very similar. On the web, the same steps I use here are also available just in a slightly different location.

Check Your Facebook Security With These Steps

Normally, when you open the FB App, you’ll be on your Home page. From there, you should follow these steps shown in this gallery. (You should go through slides 1-5. Tapping each slide on the app will reveal a caption. On the web, just moving your curser over the picture will do the same thing.)

Using The Facebook Security Checkup

Now that you’ve reached the FB Security Checkup feature, follow these steps:

Now that I’ve gotten you started, continue with all the wizards you found in the Privacy Checkup feature. Or, you can just complete your security, privacy and notification check by watching the full video: