There’s an online ad game and it infuriates me! I get it. Really, I do. I spend a ton of money to have my websites. Ads on a page (Yes, I have them.) are there in hopes of recouping the money it costs to be online.
Let’s Talk About Online Ads
Just about everywhere you go online, you’ll see ads. But, ads can serve a good purpose. When you’re looking for a product or service, advertisements can help you. As I mentioned above, I have ads on this blog site. You see them in the right columns and you’ll find them in the menu at the top. If you click on an ad and make a purchase, website owners like myself may receive a commission. Your purchases help us stay online. As both a consumer and a business owner, I don’t have any problems with that.
The Online Ad Game – My Pet Peeve #6
I know some of my readers really get agitated over ads that appear next to their emails or their favorite news resource. But, those kinds of ads don’t bother me. My Pet Peeve #6 is those stories online that take pages and pages to read. The stories aren’t that long but they are broken into dozens of pages. Why? Because the web page owner wants to bombard us with ads – hoping we’ll purchase. I’m not going to link to any examples but I’m willing to bet you’ve seen them. Often, I give up on actually trying to read a story because it is consuming too much of my time. I wouldn’t mind if a story of interest was on a single page (like this blog post) and had a few ads. Yet, when it’s page after page just for the sake of ads, I’m done with it.
How Can You Fight It?
First, remember that nothing is free. Web space and storage costs money. Software costs money. (Our Remote Technical Support software costs over $4,000 a year. Even the template for this blog has a yearly fee.) With that in mind, should you fight the online ad game? Should you use ad-blockers? Personally, I don’t use that kind of software. I actually want to see the ads. Plus, I understand their purpose. However, I do fight the web pages with excessive ads like the ones I described above. How? Two ways; 1) I don’t buy anything and stop reading the story; and, 2) if it’s possible to contact the web page owner, I complain to them.
Good advice, John! Thanks! I’m sure a lot of people didn’t understand that ads help cut the costs for you and others using the web!
MCB…I’m sure you are correct – lots of people wouldn’t know the costs associated with running a web site.
John, thank you for this information on the ads.. At first, I do not know where they were coming from. They are a bit of an annoyance, but I just delete them.
Jerry… as long as you don’t delete KCC’s ads! LOL
I detest the adds that flash…….so distracting. I go immersive mode if it is available. That was the most important, useful lesson you gave at one of your seminars a few years ago. My husband was self employed so I know the value of advertising.
Any chance your seminars will be resuming?
Lorraine…Thanks for your comment. We have announced it yet but we’ll be resuming seminars on Saturday, September 11, 20201. We can’t wait!