First, let me apologize to the following computer users: Mac, Windows 7 and Windows 8 (8.1). Today’s post is strictly about Windows 10.
If you’re a Windows 10 user and you’re using a desktop computer or a laptop computer, you normally have a screen that shows your icons, etc. Just like the Windows desktop going all the way back to Windows 95. However, we often have people calls us or log into our Remote Technical Support ( because they have a screen similar to the one pictured above. Generally, they are completely confused as to what happened and how to get their normal desktop back.
The good news is that fixing this issue is quite easy. What has happened is that Windows 10 has shifted into Tablet Mode. Usually, this has happened by accident – mostly when a computer user is clicking impatiently wanting some program to open faster than it is! The Tablet Mode is great if you’re using your computer totally as a touch device – similar to a tablet or smart phone. But, if you want to use your computer the normal way, you need to get it out of Tablet Mode.
Here’s what you do: to the right of your time and date area in the taskbar (at the bottom by default), you’ll find a little icon that looks like a monitor. (It’s circled with white in the picture above.) If you put your mouse over it, the bubble pop-up will reference “notifications.” Left-click on this icon and a window will appear. At the bottom of the window are some square icons. Which ones appear varies but you should see one that reads “Tablet Mode.” (Circled with orange in the picture above.) If Tablet Mode is on, it will be a colorful icon square. (As in the picture above.) Click on the Tablet Mode square and it will turn grey. Tablet mode is now off.
Just a note: sometimes, when you switch from Tablet Mode back to the normal mode, windows aren’t reshaped as they should be. If that’s the case, you’re easiest fix is to simply reboot your computer!
Thank you John, I need all the reminders I can get