Time…Oops…Ink In A Bottle

Epson Ink Bottles

When it comes to printers, one of the complaints we hear often is how much ink cartridges cost. It seems no matter what brand you purchase, the ink cartridges are expensive.

Here at Keystone Computer Concepts, we’ve had a Xerox solid ink printer for almost nine years now. These solid blocks of ink eliminate the plastic cartridge with which we are all familiar. The solid ink is less expensive per printed page and there’s no container to recycle or throw away. Unfortunately, Xerox has discontinued solid ink printers although they are still selling the replacement solid ink.

In truth, though, the solid ink Xerox printers were too expensive for most home users anyway, so the fact that they have been discontinued doesn’t really affect the average printer user. Does that mean you’re stuck with plastic ink cartridges?

Enter the new line of Epson liquid ink printers. You may have seen the commercials starring Shaq as he tells you to “fill and chill.” (The commercial is below in case you haven’t seen it.)

With this new line of printers, Epson has eliminated the plastic cartridge. Instead, you use liquid ink. According to Epson, one set of replacement bottles is equivalent to about 80 individual cartridges. Different models of the liquid ink printer will yield different amounts of printed pages per one set of bottles – anywhere from 4,500 to 7,500. Most models come in either black or white. Initially, the printers cost a little more than some ink cartridge printers but you should easily recoup the overage in a short period of time because you’re no longer buying the expensive cartridges.

In case you’re imagining various colors of spilled ink all over your printer stand, the ink comes in containers that are easy to use, don’t leak and stop filling automatically thus eliminating overflowing ink.

If saving money on ink sounds like something that would interest you, please fill out the form below, click SEND and we’ll email you information on models, availability and cost.

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