Stay Open-minded About Windows 11

Screenshot of Windows 11 start menu

Please, stay open-minded about Windows 11. I’m already hearing grumbling from some “technical” online writers. As one of my customers/blog readers, please don’t join in with their way of thinking.

False Statement

Here’s something we often hear: “Everybody hates change.” Please don’t buy into that way of thinking. When it comes to computing, I welcome change and you should, too. Just imagine if we were all still on dial-up! Remember when the first car phones were huge, heavy and costly? (Granted, most current cell phones are still costly but they can do so much more than the original car phones.) In the electronic world, change is a good thing. Welcome new products and new formats!

Give Windows 11 A Chance

Let’s look at a few of the changes in Windows 11 and talk about the grumbling.

The Start Menu

With Windows 11, the start menu sits in the center of the taskbar at the bottom. (This makes it look a bit more like a Mac computer.) This is a major change for a Windows operating system (OS). All Windows users are used to the start menu being in the corner because it’s been that way since Windows 95.

In the first developer’s version of Windows 11, you could modify the registry and make the menu magically appear in the corner again. In a recent update for developers, that option is blocked. You can’t move the start menu to the corner. At least one online writer is complaining about this because they want their start menu in the corner.

I’m asking you, again, to stay open-minded about Windows 11 changes. In my opinion, the start menu appearing in the center of the taskbar is not a big deal. In fact, if you’re using a touchscreen device, having the menu there makes it easier to operate.

The Taskbar

Besides having the start menu in the center, there are other changes regarding the taskbar. The taskbar sits at the bottom only. You can’t move the bar to the top or either of the sides. (Currently, there is a registry hack to get the taskbar at the top but that might get locked out by Microsoft in the future, as well.) For some, not being able to move the bar is a point of contention. I encourage you to not fall into this mindset.

There are some very positive changes regarding the taskbar. You can now easily decide which apps should appear in the right-hand corner and which apps should be hidden. (You have to click or tap the up arrow to reach the hidden app icons.) Additionally, if you are using a pen, pen-related apps automatically appear on the taskbar.

Some former features remain: 1) you can hide the taskbar when not in use; and, 2) you can hover or click in the farthest right-hand corner of the bar to show the desktop.

Stay Open-minded About Windows 11 – Some Final Thoughts

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • I’m using the developer’s version of Windows 11. This is the version BEFORE the beta version. (Find an intro HERE.)
  • There will continue to be changes in Windows 11 based on feedback from developers and others.
  • I strongly encourage you to disregard the opinions of the nay-sayers you may read online or hear on the news.
  • I’ve installed a ton of programs that I had under Windows 10 and they went in without a hitch.
  • I’ll be posting a Windows 11 YouTube video soon. Watch for it!