How To Subscribe To A YouTube Channel

4KCC Home YouTube homepage showing how to subscribe to a YouTube channel

In a recent survey I conducted, 68% of the respondents indicated that they didn’t know how to subscribe to a YouTube channel. Honestly, I was shocked that the percentage was that high. If you’ve read my post, “5 Awesome YouTube Dance Mashup Videos,” you know that I feel using YouTube is an important computing skill. With all of this in mind, let’s learn how to subscribe to a YouTube channel!

First, A Definition

Before I explain how to subscribe to a YouTube channel, it might be good to understand the term “channel.” Basically, it’s a home page for a personal YouTube account. When you create a Google account, you automatically have a YouTube channel. You need a channel to upload videos, add comments and create playlists. (More about these things in another post.)

Why Would You Want To Subscribe To A YouTube Channel

Currently, YouTube has 2.3 billion active users. (Yes, that’s billion!) The platform’s search engine is the second most popular search in the world. With all this activity, it’s easy to come across a channel and never find it again – unless you subscribe. Additionally, when you do subscribe to a channel, you can allow the channel to send you notifications. With this option, you don’t have to keep going back to the channel to see if anything is new.

How To Subscribe

Let’s look at how to subscribe (Remember, you can’t subscribe unless you have a Google account. Android users already have one as do many others. If you need an account, it’s free – just sign up!):

As you can see from the video, subscribing to a YouTube video is very easy! (Speaking of subscribing, if you haven’t subscribed to the 4KCC channel yet, you can do so HERE.) For the record, if you ever want to unsubscribe from a channel, you simply click or tap the button which reads “subscribed.” (It’s what the Subscribe button changes to after you’ve subscribed.)

Subscribed YouTube button.