Like A Bad Highway, Lots of Patches Today

Normally, the second Tuesday of the month is "Patch Tuesday." This is the day that Microsoft releases what can sometimes be a large number of fixes for Microsoft products. The programs being updated usually include Windows, Office and other products like SharePoint. This month, however, since there are 5 Tuesdays in the month, Microsoft is …

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IC3 2019 Report

As I shared in my post, "Soapbox," the FBI has released the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) 2019 Internet Crime Report. While my "Soapbox" post was focused on Tech Support Fraud, I think it's important to share some of the other information found in this compte ren·du. For the record, I'm not passing this information along …

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Please...please...I'm begging you. Please tell me that you don't use ANY of the 50 top hacked/worse passwords of 2019! Look over this list carefully (provided by Splashdata). If you are using any of them, please change them immediately! 123456123456789 qwertypassword12345671234567812345iloveyou111111123123abc123qwerty1231q2w3e4radminqwertyuiop654321555555lovely7777777welcome888888princessdragonpassword1123qwe6666661qaz2wsx333333michaelsunshineliverpool7777771q2w3e4r5tdonaldfreedomfootballcharlieletmein!@#$%^&*secretaa1234569897654321zxcvbnmpassw0rdbaileynothingshadow121212bitemeginger