How Do I Dispose Of Old Computers?

"How do I dispose of old computers?" is a question we are frequently asked. Actually, the query is often about computing devices in general, not just computers. In this post, I'll share with you what you should and should not do. Keep in mind that some devices store your data - like computers, tablets, smartphones, …

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Android Users Should Do This

Seriously, Android users should do this: make sure anti-virus/anti-malware is installed. Why It's Important If you use an Android tablet or smartphone, you need to make sure you have software installed to protect your device. Last week, it was reported that over 300,000 Android devices were infected. A fake banking app was the cause of …

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How To Disable Amber Alerts On Your Smart Phone

In this post, I'm going to share how to disable Amber Alerts on your smart phone. However, a word of caution: this is something you should do only on a temporary basis. What Are Amber Alerts? Although you probably already know the definition for "Amber Alert," I'll just reiterate it. An Amber Alert is an …

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How To Avoid Smishing Scams

I suppose that before I explain how to avoid smishing scams, it might help to understand the meaning of the word "smishing." Basically, smishing is phishing through text rather than email. All clear now? That definition works fine if you understand what phishing is. Okay, let's go to the Mirriam-Webster dictionary to find out the …

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Cool Backgrounds

When I'm conducting a live seminar (remember the pre-coronavirus days?) or when I create a YouTube video, people often comment about the desktop backgrounds I use. For instance, the picture above is a pretty neat background of a vinyl record and the player it's sitting on. Oh, I know some people use one of their …

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I Recommend These…

People often ask me what books I recommend when it comes to computing devices. I have a number of them I really enjoy and/or find helpful for my customers. In this post, I'm sharing fourteen of them. This array covers everything from computer history to Windows 10 and both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. There …

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