Do you have concerns about AI? I hear questions and comments about AI (Artificial Intelligence) all the time. People don't understand it and they have many misconceptions about it. I'm here to tell you there is no need to be concerned about or scared of AI. There are many benefits of AI. If you stick …
Author: John Grubb
Windows Notifications – Part 2 – The Things You Can Do!
This post is part 2 of Windows Notifications - The Things You Can Do. In Part 1, I showed you: how to turn notifications on and off; how to use Do Not Disturb; and, how to move notifications. In this post, I'll show you a few other things you can do with them. Windows Notifications …
Continue reading Windows Notifications – Part 2 – The Things You Can Do!
Windows Notifications – The Things You Can Do! – Part 1
This post is about Windows notifications - Part 1! When you're working on a Windows 10 or 11 computer, you will often see notifications on the right side of the taskbar. These notices can be helpful but they can also be annoying at times. In this post, I'm going to show you the various ways …
Continue reading Windows Notifications – The Things You Can Do! – Part 1
Social Media Platforms Explained
Social Media Platforms Explained is the subject of today's post. Before you turn away, I get it. Some of you, including my wife and my sister, don't use Social Media. Even so, let me remind you of an old axiom: "Knowledge is power." Just hang with me, if you will! Social Media - Good or …
Ransomware Explained
Ransomware Defined The word "ransomware" is a portmanteau of the words "ransom" and "malware." (Of course, "malware" is a portmanteau of the words "malicious" and "software.") In simple terms, ransomware is malicious software that takes over a computer or a network of computers and encrypts the files. Additionally, ransomware may steal files as well. The …
A Political Warning
This post is a political warning for you. Tuesday, November 5th is fast approaching and the pressure is on. My writing today isn't about how you should vote, that is totally up to you. (I would encourage you to vote, rather than sit out the election.) However, I want to warn you about some things …
Forget Those Other Cleanup Programs
Finally, you can forget those other cleanup programs. If you're a Windows user, it's always nice to clean out the temporary and other unneeded files to regain hard drive space. Sometimes cleaning out can even help speed up your computer a bit. In the past, you either had to use the Cleanup that was built-in …
Copilot Moves
If you read my last post, What Is Copilot In Windows 10/11?, you should know a little something about Microsoft's A.I. program. In this post, I want to just bring you a bit up-to-date. The Icon Is Moving Starting in the beta version of Windows 11 and now beginning to appear in the consumer version, …
What Is Copilot In Windows 10/11?
You might be wondering what is Copilot in Windows 10/11. In this post, I'll explain what's happening! If you have Windows 10 or 11, version 23H2, you should now have a new feature called Copilot. Normally, you'll find its icon in the menu bar. The icon looks like this, only smaller: What Is Copilot? Now …
Things You Should Know
Things you should know is a unit of my in-person seminars. I've been doing this section for the last three seminars. It struck me that this might be useful information to pass on to you, my blog reader. That being the case, let's dig into a few of them! Capitalization Doesn't Count There are some …
The Times They Are A-Changin’
In the computer world, the times they are a-changin'. Go ahead and watch this video of my favorite folk music group from my early years - Peter, Paul and Mary. What's Changing? While it is true that things change in the computing world every day, this post is about a specific change. I believe it's …
WordPad Is On Its Way Out
Yes, WordPad is on its way out of the Windows Operating System. This piece of software has been in Windows since 1995. Now, however, it's no longer being updated and at some point will be removed from Windows altogether. I Never Heard Of WordPad For many Windows users, the fact that WordPad exists is a …
Let’s Explore Google Forms
In this post, let's explore Google Forms. If you have a Google account, you have access to Google Forms. This feature is perfect if you want to send a questionnaire, a party invite, gather contact information, or more. How Do You Access Google Forms? Before I can show you how to use this Google feature, …
Two New Services
Today, I'm announcing two new services here at Keystone Computer Concepts. In truth, they're not all that new since we've been doing them for some time. It's just that most people don't know we offer them. Let me tell you about both. Proofing and Editing Proofing and editing is a service we've been doing for …
Let’s Learn About Cords
In this post, let's learn about cords! There are so many different cords in the computing world and they can get confusing. Let's take a look at many of the various cords! For the record, we often use the term "cord" and the term "cable" interchangeably. In this post, I primarily call them cords. Ethernet …
My December App Pick
With the holiday season upon us, here's my December app pick. It's available in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. American Greetings E-Cards More and more, we are using our smartphones and tablets to do the work we used to do on a computer. That's true when it comes to greeting …
Should You Use The DuckDuckGo Browser?
At our November seminar, I briefly answered the question: Should you use the DuckDuckGo browser? In this post, I'd like to expand on that question. Also, I want to share some setting suggestions should you decide to use it. Privacy DuckDuckGo's claim to fame is that searches are more private. Therefore, when you search for …
Bad Computing Habits I See Every Day
In this post, I'm going to talk about bad computing habits I see every day. Because I'm a nice guy, I'm not going to ask you to raise your hand if you are guilty of any of them but I hope you'll change your ways! Always Searching For A Website That You Constantly Use This …
My Audible Library
In this post, I'm sharing some of my Audible Library books. My Audible Library Joyce, my wife, loves to read books - real books. You know, the ones you can hold in your hands. Despite her extremely busy musical career, she finds time to push through books at a pretty good pace. Unfortunately, reading real …
Recent News Is Why You Should Review
In this post, I will explain that recent news is why you should review previous posts of mine. Smishing News Here's one of the news headlines this week. "This stealthy Android malware can steal your money and invade your privacy." This particular malware affects Android users via smishing. Because this can record what you say …
How To Control Your Email’s Inbox
Ever wonder how to control your email's Inbox? In this post, I'll show you how to keep things squared away with your email. Whether you receive 10 a day or 450 (like I do), these steps will help. Plus, I'm going to share something upcoming from Gmail and Yahoo that will aid in this pursuit …
Happy 25th Birthday Google!
Happy 25th Birthday Google! Today, September 27, 2023, marks the 25th birthday of Google Search. The Good I can't tell you how many times Joyce and I use Google Search during a week. I'd hate to have to figure the total amount. There is no doubt that Google Search has brought knowledge to our fingertips. …
Windows 11 And How To Get Focused
In this post, let's talk about Windows 11 and how to get focused. If your computer is anything like mine, there are notification windows that pop up from time to time. Your computer might even make noises when you receive mail or other messages. Often, these are welcomed interruptions. Still, there are times when we …
4 AI Resources You Can Use
In this post, I share 4 AI resources you can use. As I'm sure you're aware, Artificial Intelligence is everywhere! Just like many relatively new things, there's controversy! However, this post isn't about whether AI is a good or bad thing. Instead, I will introduce you to 4 AI resources you can use. Why Would …
Internet Speed Issues
Internet speed issues are one of our highest types of complaints. In today's world, if you want to get anything done online, you really need a good connection. In this post, I'll define Internet speed, how to test it, talk about things that can affect it, and list some solutions. What Is Internet Speed And …
The Hidden Story Behind Your Favorite Photographs
Have you ever wondered about the hidden story behind your favorite photographs? Beyond the visual elements, every photo carries a wealth of information. This info can reveal when and how it was taken, camera settings, and even the location. This information is known as metadata. In this post, we'll delve into its significance and the …
Continue reading The Hidden Story Behind Your Favorite Photographs
Test Your Email Knowledge
In this post, I'm going to test your email knowledge, regardless of your email provider (Gmail, Hotmail, AT&T, Comcast, Yahoo, etc.). No, I won't be collecting your name or your score but I leave you to the honor system as to how well you do! Password When it comes to an email password, the easier …
Google Chrome Lab
Are you familiar with the Google Chrome Lab? Chrome Labs is a feature in Google Chrome that makes it easier for you to find new features that Google wants you to test and provide feedback on. In fact, when you look at the Lab features, you'll see they have expiration dates. Let's look at what …
Two More Android Phone Features You Should Know
Let’s talk about two more Android Phone features you should know. If you missed our first post where we shared two Android phone features, you can find it HERE. 😀 Just as I mentioned in my iPhone post, there are features in an Android Phone that we never know about or use so infrequently that …
Continue reading Two More Android Phone Features You Should Know

Two More iPhone Features You Should Know
Let's talk about two more iPhone features you should know. (If you're an Android phone user, fear not, my next post will be about two more Android features.) 😀 In case you missed my first post on iPhone features you should know, you can read it HERE. Like many of our computing devices, there are …